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Plot like a Badass -- PRE-SALE COMING SOON!
INTRODUCTION: Welcome to Plot like a Badass!
i. Course Welcome & Materials (IMPORTANT! DON'T SKIP!)
ii. What IS Plot Anyway, and Why is it Important?
iii. Let Them Eat Cake! Using the "Epic Cake" Model to Structure Your Badass Cinematic Plot
iv. A Quick Intro to the "TPOACR5 Method" Foundational Module
Introduction: What is the TPOACR5 Method and Why Is It So Important?
#1: The Title
#2: The Problem
#3: The Objective
#4: The Action Taken
#5: The Complication (aka the Obstacle)
#6: The Resolution
--- #6A: The Reveal
--- #6B: The Twist
--- #6C: The Deeper Complication
--- #6D: The Cliffhanger
--- #6E. The Revelation
QUICK ASSIGNMENT: Putting TPOACR5 into Practice
MODULE #1: The Badass Log Line
Lesson 1.1: The Badass Log Line: What It Is & Why You Need It
Lesson 1.2: Using TPOACR5 to Craft a Badass Plot Premise
Lesson 1.3: Using TPOACR5 to Craft a Badass Character Premise
Lesson 1.4: When Character & Plot Collide: Using TPOACR5 to Craft Your Badass Log Line
Lesson 1.5: A Quick Note about Character Plot (aka the Character Arc)
MODULE #2: Triumph or Tragedy? Dramatic Direction & Set Pieces
Lesson 2.1: Introduction to Triumph, Tragedy, and Why They Matter for Your Plot
Lesson 2.2: The Structure of a Triumph Story
Lesson 2.3: The Structure of a Tragedy Story
Lesson 2.4: Pick Your Character's Journey!
MODULE #3: Beginnings, Middles, and Ends
Introduction: What are Beginnings, Middles, and Ends, and Why are we starting off so BASIC, bro?
Lesson 3.2: THE MIDDLE
Lesson 3.3: THE END
Lesson 3.4: BUILD THE BME LAYER: Put the Beginning, Middle, and End Together!
MODULE #4: The Four Act Structure
Introduction: What is the Four Act Structure?
Lesson 4.1: ACT 1, The Set Up & Intro
Lesson 4.2: ACT 2A, The New World & The Reactive Phase
Lesson 4.3: ACT 2B, Enemy Assault & The Proactive Phase
Lesson 4.4: ACT 3, The Final Showdown
Lesson 4.5: BUILD THE FOUR ACT LAYER: Put the Four Acts Together!
MODULE #5: The Eight Plot Points
What are the Eight Plot Points?
PLOT POINT #1, The Inciting Incident (The Bomb)
PLOT POINT #2, The First Lock In (1st Point of No Return)
PLOT POINT #3, The Midpoint
--- PLOT POINT #3A: The Triumphant Midpoint (The Highest Point)
--- PLOT POINT #3B: The Tragedic Midpoint (The Lowest Point)
PLOT POINT #4: The Turning Point
--- PLOT POINT #4A: The Turning Point for Triumph Stories (The Crisis Point)
--- PLOT POINT #4B: The Turning Point for Tragedic Stories (The Saving Grace)
PLOT POINT #5, The Climax
--- PLOT POINT #5A: The Triumphant Climax (All is Lost)
--- PLOT POINT #5B: The Tragedic Climax (All is Gained)
PLOT POINT #6, The Second Lock In (2nd Point of No Return)
PLOT POINT #7, The Third Act Twist
PLOT POINT #8, The Resolution + New Normal
HOMEWORK #: Review Your 8 Plot Points & Edit!
HOMEWORK #: Layer Your 8 Plot Points into Your 4 Acts
MODULE #6: The Eight Sequences
Introduction, Part 1 of 2: What are the Eight Sequences?
Introduction, Part 2 of 2: Layer Your 4 Acts, w/ Your 8 Plot Points, w/ Your 8 Sequences. Right Now.
Lesson 6.1: SEQUENCE ONE: The Status Quo
Lesson 6.2: SEQUENCE TWO: The Devil in the Doorway (The Nuke)
Lesson 6.3: SEQUENCE THREE: The New World + Hero Training
Lesson 6.4: SEQUENCE FOUR: The New World Has Dangers + Things Get More Dire
Lesson 6.5: SEQUENCE FIVE: The Subplot(s) + Enemy Goes on Offensive
Lesson 6.6: SEQUENCE SIX: Enemies Close In & Gain the Upper Hand
Lesson 6.7: SEQUENCE SEVEN: The Ultimate Battle btw Good and Evil
Lesson 6.8: SEQUENCE EIGHT: The Last Round
MODULE #7: The 30-Point Beat Sheet
Introduction, Part 1 of 2: What is the 30-Point Beat Sheet?
Introduction, Part 2 of 2: Layer Your 4 Acts, w/ Your 8 Plot Points, w/ Your 8 Sequences, w/ Your 30 Beats. Right Now.
BEAT #1: Hot Ass Mess
Lesson 7.2: BEAT #2: The Set Up
Lesson 7.3: BEAT #3: Plants & Ironies
Lesson 7.4: BEAT #4: The Inciting Incident (The Bomb)
Lesson 7.5: BEAT #5: Character Flaws = Character Resistance
Lesson 7.6: BEAT #6: The Call to Adventure
Lesson 7.7: BEAT #7: The Busy Signal
Lesson 7.8: BEAT #8: The Devil in the Doorway (The Nuke)
Lesson 7.9: BEAT #9: The Forked Road
Lesson 7.10: BEAT #10: Choosing the New Adventure (The First Lock In (1st Point of No Return))
Lesson 7.11: BEAT #11: The Adventure
Lesson 7.12: BEAT #12: The B-Story
Lesson 7.13: BEAT #13: The Other Subplots
Lesson 7.14: BEAT #14: The Midpoint (Triumphant or Tragic?)
Lesson 7.15: BEAT #15: The Turning Point (Crisis or Saving Grace?)
Lesson 7.16: BEAT #16: Character Reflection #1: Who Am I?
Lesson 7.17: BEAT #17: Choosing Who I Am, Part #1: Yep, Still a Mess
Lesson 7.18: BEAT #18: Enemies Close In
Lesson 7.19: BEAT #19: Enemies Gain Upperhand
Lesson 7.20: BEAT #20: All is Lost + Dark Night of the Soul
Lesson 7.21: BEAT #21: Character Reflection #2: Who Am I?
Lesson 7.22: BEAT #22: Choosing Who I Am, Part #2: Not Who I Should Be, But Not Who I Was, Either
Lesson 7.23: BEAT #23: Choosing the Ultimate Battle (The Second Lock In (2nd Point of No Return))
--- Beat #23A: Get Ready for War
--- Beat #23B: Breach & Battle
--- Beat #23C: Hero's Brief Victory
Lesson 7.24: BEAT #24: The Third Act Twist
Lesson 7.25: BEAT #25: Character Reflection #3: Who Am I?
Lesson 7.26: BEAT #26: Choosing Who I Am, Part #3: I'm a F*ckin' BOSS
Lesson 7.27: BEAT #27: The Last Round
--- Beat #27A: Payoffs Galore & Ironies Return!
--- Beat #27B: The Death Blow
Lesson 7.28: BEAT #28: Resolutions
--- Beat #28A: Main Conflict Resolution
--- Beat #28B: B-StoryLove Story/Sub Story/Other Story Resolutions
--- Beat #28C: Character Arc Resolution
Lesson 7.29: BEAT #29: The New Normal
Lesson 7.30: BEAT #30: Badass n' Blessed
MODULE #8: Let Them Eat Cake!
Next Step #1: Make Your Cake Make Sense
Next Step #2: Creating a More Compelling, More Badass Character
Next Step #3: The Last Layer: An Introduction to Scene Creation
RESOURCES: More Classes, Blogs, and Books on Plotting
You Did It! Awesome Job, You Creative Badass, You!
--- PLOT POINT #3B: The Tragedic Midpoint (The Lowest Point)
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