Plot like a Badass -- PRE-SALE COMING SOON!
Everything you need to know to design a tight, action-packed, mindblowing plot for your novel!
Your Instructor

Dystopian Sci-fi, Sci-fi Thriller, & Urban Fantasy Novelist. Screenwriter. Game Writer & Narrative Designer. Film Producer. Globetrotter. Action Junkie. Rebel Ragdoll.
A shameless nerd and bookworm since the age of five, Colby R Rice is the author of GHOSTS OF KOA, the first dual-volumed novel in The Books of Ezekiel, a dystopian-urban fantasy decalogy.
She was an Air Force BRAT born in Bitburg Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany and came to the States at the age of one. Colby bounced around a lot, but finally settled in Los Angeles, where she could at last deal with her addictions to writing, creative entrepreneurship, motorcycles, and traveling.
Now, armed with a mound of animal crackers and gallons of Coca-Cola, Colby takes on the fiction writing trinity (novel writing, screenwriting, and game writing) in a fight to the death!
Current projects include: the second, five-volume mega-novel in the Books of Ezekiel series, the first novel in a middle grade SFF detective series, the first novel in an adult sci-fi thriller series, development of her first sci-fi thriller film, and the growth of her production house, Rebel Ragdoll. Stay tuned at! ;-)
Course Curriculum
StartIntroduction: What is the TPOACR5 Method and Why Is It So Important?
Start#1: The Title
Start#2: The Problem
Start#3: The Objective
Start#4: The Action Taken
Start#5: The Complication (aka the Obstacle)
Start#6: The Resolution
Start--- #6A: The Reveal
Start--- #6B: The Twist
Start--- #6C: The Deeper Complication
Start--- #6D: The Cliffhanger
Start--- #6E. The Revelation
StartQUICK ASSIGNMENT: Putting TPOACR5 into Practice
StartLesson 1.1: The Badass Log Line: What It Is & Why You Need It
StartLesson 1.2: Using TPOACR5 to Craft a Badass Plot Premise
StartLesson 1.3: Using TPOACR5 to Craft a Badass Character Premise
StartLesson 1.4: When Character & Plot Collide: Using TPOACR5 to Craft Your Badass Log Line
StartLesson 1.5: A Quick Note about Character Plot (aka the Character Arc)